Finnish TV news presenter and propagandist Maija Lehmusvirta
Do you think that these TV anchors tell the whole truth of the world we live in? I don't think so. The European media twists stories systematically and omits a
number of facts, which the governments want to cover up.
Italian RAI TV news presenter Daiana Paoli
"Articles in the Icelandic press included quotes from the 50 protesters, but none included even a single quotation or description of anything we had actually said."
Censorship in Iceland
Nelonen TV news presenter Hanna-Mari Tarvonen, 2016
YLE propagandist Pirkko Pöntinen
Finnish TV news presenter and propagandist Pirjo Nuotio
MTV news presenter Esko Tommola
Nelonen TV news presenter Reetta Rönkä, Finland
YLE TV news presenter Matti Rönkä
Finnish TV news presenter Hanna Visala, YLE
YLE TV news presenter Piia Pasanen
YLE regional TV news presenter Nina Svahn
Nelonen TV news presenter Paula Tapiola
BBC journalist Laura Kuenssberg
Nelonen TV news presenter Reetta Rönkä, 2013
YLE journalist Reetta Rönkä, 2016
Nelonen TV news presenter Minna Uusi-Eskola
Euronews TV news presenter Jannat Jalil
EU propagandist Jannat Jali
Euronews TV news presenter Anelise Borges
YLE TV news presenter Marjukka Havumäki
Finnish TV news presenter and propagandist Aino Huilaja, MTV
Finnish journalist Ripsa Koskinen-Papunen mocked her colleague as crazy (Sep 13, 2024, MTV, Viiden jälkeen): "nyt olen huolissani kollegani mielenterveydestä".
Finnish journalist and propagandist Marja Sannikka, YLE